5 Things Not To Feel Guilty About While Wedding Planning

Planning a wedding can have a lot of ups and downs, which may come with some wedding guilt. This is normal to feel, but you shouldn’t have to feel guilty about typical wedding practices. You cannot make everyone happy, but most importantly, it is your big day and every detail is up to you! Here are a few things many brides tend to feel guilty about during the wedding process!

1.Not Inviting Kids

This is a often a big debate among many couples. Some couples may feel obligated to invite entire families, where some may just want an adult wedding. Don’t feel bad if an adult wedding is more for you because of budget, space, or preference.

2.Asking For Help

Allow yourself to ask for help. A wedding takes a lot of planning and time for just one person to do alone. Ask your friends, family or bridal party for extra assistance when it comes to planning or picking up some extra things that you weren’t able to get to!

3.Un-inviting Guests

With the national pandemic and new restrictions and guidelines on mostly everything now, I am sure you have made a few adjustments to your final guest list. Be creative with ways to include the guests who, due to restrictions, could not physically attend.

4.Not Asking Someone to Be a Bridesmaid

Unfortunately, when putting together your bridal party, it is almost impossible to have everyone stand next to you the day of your wedding. There is no need to feel obligated to choose someone if you aren’t very close with them. Consider choosing another role for them in your wedding if you want them to have a special part!

5.Talking About Your Wedding

Getting engaged and planning your wedding is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. Don’t be afraid to talk about your big day or to anyone who is willing to listen! They are probably just as excited for you and cannot wait to hear what new ideas you have planned!


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